Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Upgrading A Clustered ENTSSO Master Secret Server

It is best practice to cluster the Enterprise Single Sign-On Master Secret Server (ENTSSO MSS) on the SQL Server tier to provide high availability.

There is plenty of information available to guide us in setting up a clustered ENTSSO MSS. However, there is no documentation out there on upgrading a clustered ENTSSO MSS, for example, when moving to BT2K6 R2 an upgrade of SSO is recommended. So, how do you upgrade a clustered ENTSSO MSS?

Quite simply, to realise a successful upgrade of the ENTSSO MSS service you must uncluster the ENTSSO MSS first. The following steps provide a little more guidance:

  1. Prepare the environment

    1. Silence the BizTalk environment by stopping

      • Host instances

      • Rule engine services

      • ENTSSO slaves of the ENTSSO MSS

      • and disabling BizTalk SQL Agent maintenance jobs

    2. Backup the Master Secret

    3. Backup the SSO database

      • To retain a consistent state across all BizTalk databases it is advisable to use the Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) SQL Agent job provided. You can force a full backup of all BizTalk databases by simply updating the record in the BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.adm_ForceFullBackup table to 'True'. Then, execute the BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) SQL Agent job manually

  2. Uncluster ENTSSO MSS

    1. Offline the ENTSSO MSS clustered resource

    2. Make the primary cluster node the MSS instead of the cluster by moving the master secret server

    3. Restart ENTSSO on the primary node through the SCM not the cluster

    4. Point the secondary cluster node ENTSSO services at the primary node for the master secret (ie) demote the secondary cluster nodes to slaves, and restart the services using the SCM

  3. Upgrade the primary and secondary cluster node ENTSSO services individually

  4. Recluster the ENTSSO MSS

    1. Make the primary cluster node reference the MSS cluster name by moving the master secret server

    2. Bring the ENTSSO cluster resource online on the primary cluster node

    3. Promote the other cluster node ENTSSO services to participate as master secret servers using ssomanage -serverall clustername

    4. Test the ENTSSO upgrade by failing over to each node and browsing the BizTalk adapter properties via the BizTalk server Administration Console (for example)
That's all there is to it ;o)

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